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People for People: Give thanks by giving back to neighbors in need this holiday season

by | Nov 28, 2021 | 0 comments

By Fina Badolato For the Times Herald-Record
Published 10:58 a.m. ET Nov. 19, 2021

As Thanksgiving nears, why not look into your heart and start a new tradition? Give thanks by giving back.

COVID-19 has battered the Hudson Valley and the Catskills – along with the world – for nearly two brutal years. And while government-sponsored programs have helped some folks in need, most are ending soon. COVID or not, your neighbors are still in the midst of a storm of hardships, and your help is urgently needed.

Sudden setbacks in life happen that can shatter stability, such as the loss of time from work due to an injury or illness for yourself or a loved one, the car breaks down, you lose a job. It could happen to any of us – the reality is that even self-supporting people can experience an emergency and need a temporary helping hand.

There is hope, and help, available, thanks to the generosity of donors to the Times Herald-Record’s People for People Fund. Since 1985, the fund – formed by the Times Herald-Record and the Junior League of Orange County – has helped folks who live in Orange, Sullivan and Ulster counties, and parts of Pike County, Pennsylvania, get over a one-time hurdle and back on track to being self-sufficient with a modest grant.

The fund is supported through voluntary donations – from community and religious groups, businesses and mostly individuals – with dedicated volunteers working tirelessly with recipients each step of the way. Each November through New Year’s Day, a People for People fundraising campaign is launched to boost giving, which is ongoing throughout the
year. The Times Herald-Record newspaper provides a venue to help the Fund connect with those who need help – and those who can help.

So in the coming weeks, you’ll be reading stories in these pages about people a lot like you and me – perhaps your neighbor, co-worker, friend or a complete stranger – whose lives have been transformed, thanks to the generosity of the fund’s donors.

Take the case of an Orange County mom – someone steadily employed for nearly 20 years, sole breadwinner of her family, and homeowner for 30 years – who was blindsided by a cancer diagnosis. Circumstances led to the loss of her second job and falling behind in her mortgage and utility payments, until the fund stepped in. 

“I want to express my extreme gratitude for your assistance with my expenses while recuperating from surgery,” she said. “It has reduced my stress level tremendously. Many thanks.”

About the fund
The People for People Fund offers a one-time grant to steadily employed local people who have normally been self-supporting until an unexpected financial emergency arises. The fund’s assistance should significantly resolve the problem and help the individual resume financial stability.
Since 1985, the fund has helped thousands of local people. To learn more about contributing, volunteering or applying for help, call 845-343-1663. Donations by credit card can also be made via the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan NY at:


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