How To Help


The People for People Fund is primarily supported by volunteers and voluntary donations received.


If you would like to make a donation to the People for People Fund, please feel free to use the link below and make a donation on the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan County’s website.  Donations are also accepted via check or cash at our address.


Neighbors helping neighbors begins with you!  We are always looking for Volunteers .  If you are interested in volunteering some of your time, please contact our Executive Director, Marsi Clark, via email or give a call to the office to speak with her about how you can help make a difference!


Help us get the word out about all the great things we are doing!  If you’d like to add a link to your website or a sign at your business about the People for People Fund, contact our Executive Director, Marsi Clark, via email or give a call to the office to speak with her about how you can help!

Donate via PayPal Now!

Our Volunteers

Around here, volunteers can be the only thing standing between us and disaster. They fight our fires, rush to our sides when we’re sick or injured, provide shelter during storms. We hear the sirens and we know help is near.

But many volunteers work quietly, without sirens and flashing lights.

The People for People Fund simply couldn’t exist without the trained volunteers that staff its office year-round, dedicated men and women who help local folks through one-time financial emergencies. They process applications, gather and confirm documentation, answer phones, sort through bills and, most importantly, provide a buffer zone between those seeking respite and the financial wolves at their doors.

Volunteers must complete a training course and be available during weekday office hours, when the fund’s Middletown office is open. Some are retirees, some work in volunteer time around their work schedules. All share a common commitment to the People for People Fund’s mission and to the community they serve.

“The volunteers come from all different backgrounds. We have nurses and firefighters and business professionals and homemakers,” said People for People Executive Director Marsi Clark, “but each and every one has an empathy and concern for their neighbors. People for People simply wouldn’t exist without them.” 

We would like to thank the Fund’s volunteers, without whom this organization would not be possible.

We wish to thank a growing list of businesses and civic organizations who have shown community responsibility through their generous contributions of services and financial support, especially: First Federal Savings of Middletown.

We are a helping hand

Thank you!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your assistance in paying the two medical bills going to collections due to my husband’s illness that suddenly left him unable to work. All of the people in this organization are a God send.

A little goes a long way

I ran out of fuel on Saturday, I cried when I got the call fuel will be delivered. What a Wonderful day. Thank You are two very small words but I can’t thank you all enough. What a relief to know we should be able to catch up with our bills soon.

In times of need

I have never asked for any type of assistance before, but since the death of my husband it has been difficult. You have helped me keep the roof over my head & I am extremely grateful. Thank you.

Get involved.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the People For People Fund. Some have stayed with us for years, showing their deep commitment to the needs of the communities they cherish so much. If you would like to learn about how you can help keep this program thriving, please contact us